Age of Eagles II is the latest version of the Napoleonic set of rules based on Fire and Fury, an established ACW ruleset.
There are large collections of 6mm Napoleonic figures amongst the club members, with large games being put on such as Ligny and Wagram.
Using a Brigade and Divisional level, the player used a single D10 to move this troops around, with units being worn down by combat.
Variants available, with Age of Valour being one for Divisional and Corp level WWI action, which is also used within the club for refighting the The Crimean War.
Rules can be found at the link Below
Based on the the Games Workshop fantasy rules Warmaster, Cold war and Blitzkrieg Commander rulesets allow you to pit armies form the InterWar period up to modern combat.
Using d6s to issue commands, hit the target, use armour to defend your units it offers quick games that can be completed in an evening.
At LWC, these rules are mostly used with 10mm models and figures.
A newer set to be used at the club, Swordpoint is used for Ancient to Medieval armies, with club members using 28mm figures.
Swordpoint is published by Gripping Beast
From Battle of Britain, to the Raids over Germany through to the ACMs over Vietman and the Falklands, quite a few games of aerial combat have taken place using the CY6 and CY6 Jet Age rulesets.